Dialogic OD |
What is Dialogic ODBMI Series in Dialogic OD Learn More Dialogic Learning Series Dialogic OD is a label used to distinguish a mindset about organizations, leadership and change that is different from foundational Diagnostic OD. Gervase Bushe and Bob Marshak introduced the concept in 2009 to show that new forms of organization development had emerged since the mid 1980s (like appreciative inquiry, future search, open space, and world café, among many others) that did not conform with, and in some ways violated, central principles of OD found in textbooks and taught in graduate programs. Since then, theory and research on Dialogic OD has expanded rapidly. Bushe and Marshak argue that each OD practitioner is likely to use a unique combination of diagnostic and dialogic mindsets in their practice. In the 2015 textbook on Dialogic Organization Development, Edgar Schein describes Dialogic OD as a return to the roots of OD’s original spirit of inquiry, and opined that Dialogic OD may have emerged because organizational problems are now more complex, ambiguous and uncertain. Since then, the idea that Diagnostic OD is better suited to complicated, technical problems and Dialogic OD better suited to complex, adaptive challenges, has been echoed by others. Different Premises and Patterns of Practice between Diagnostic and Dialogic OD
The Key Elements of the Dialogic Mindset – for Leaders and Consultants
The Three Enablers of Change from the Dialogic MindsetEmergence Narrative Generativity Types of Dialogic ODSome Dialogic OD methods are “episodic” – they have a beginning, middle and end. Some are “continuous” – the practitioner partners up with the client system in an ongoing OD process. Some dialogic methods are “large group” – they use a generative change approach to engage the stakeholders who will have to change in generative conversations that will lead to self-initiated, emergent, changes. Some are “interactive” – these are sometimes called dialogic process consulting; they work by disrupting stale, habitual, ineffective patterns of interactions to provoke generative conversations that lead to new patterns emerging and new narratives being formed. Generative Change and Dialogic ODThe Dialogic Mindset gravitates toward generative change processes, instead of planned change processes. Instead of providing visions and top down implementation of plans, generative change leaders host conversations where diverse views and ideas lead to the emergence of new possibilities. Participants are encouraged and supported in advancing new ways of talking, thinking and acting. Successful advances and adaptations, along with new supporting narratives, are spread through-out the system. Leaders endorse and provide resources to these activities, but do not direct them. Planned Change versus Generative Change The new BMI Series in Dialogic OD is a set of short books on specific aspects of the Dialogic Mindset that can be applied to a variety of OD methods. |